Have you ever read something written by a computer, and find it awkward? Some of the AI content that shows sometimes pretty much feel robotic or cold outlook. 

This can turn into a big issue because the people are much more likely to read the text which is written in warm, easy to understand, and familiar language. 

If you would like your AI content to feel rather Welcoming and Natural, you need to humanize it. 

But how? Well, let us cover you with that problem! 

This is the guide in which you will discover how to humanize an AI-written content like it is written by a real person.

2 Ways To Humanize AI Content

There are two main ways to make the AI content generated by the chatbots including, but not limited to, ChatGPT, Claude, Microsoft Bing AI, and others more. 

Each of the methods is effective; however, one of them is faster and less time-consuming. Let's explore them!

1. Using AI Humanizer Tool 🤖

Humanization tools are designed to improve the natural sounding human nature of the content generated by an AI system. 

Such tools can modify the tone, correct the words’ arrangement, and even make it sound friendly. 

An AI humanizer tool can be useful when you want to quickly and easily enhance the readability of your AI text.

How to Humanize Content with Our AI Humanizer | step by step guide

Get Your AI Content: Begin with the text that you produced with the help of the chatbot, such as ChatGPT.

Open the AI Humanizer Tool: Go to our AI humanizer tool online.

Paste Your Text: Getting your AI-generated text by copying, and paste it into the tool.

Click on Humanize: Tap the button below to twist your text.

Use the Improved Content: Congratulations! Now your content is ready to go to engage your readers!


Original AI Text: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Humanized Text: “How that brown fox raced across the field; jumping right over the lazy dog that was lying down!”

2. Manually ✍️

It can also be very efficient, although doing so by hand is time-consuming compared to doing by humanizing tools. 

This method whereby we reread the text with the aim of making some changes in it to make the text flow engaging and naturally.

How to humanize content manually | a step by step guide

Read Aloud: read the text in A.I. voice to get the feel of the way the words sound like.

Simplify Language: Simplify the language by replacing other difficult words with easier ones.

Add Personal Touch: Use the first person such as the use of ‘I’ or ‘We’ to make the information relatable.

Use Contractions: When writing formally use contractions such as don’t instead of do not when writing naturally.

Inject Personality: Interject humor or personal stories at the opportune moment, but make sure to keep it light when presenting the findings.

Check for Flow: The text should be smooth and do not contain silly words.


Original AI Text: “Today you can see that it is quite hot, and people are enjoying the outdoors.” 

Humanized Text: “Oh I just wish it could be like this all the time, it is such a sunny day today and people are out there enjoying their day.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Humanizing AI Content 🚫

Here we discuss common mistakes which we made during humanizing our AI content and how we can avoid them.

1. Mistakes to Avoid When Using AI Humanizer Tools

Over reliance: Another mistake people make is that they rely too much on the tool. Please double check the output to see if it matches your style.

Taking Away from the Context: The humanized content you provide must fit with your core message.

Missed Edits: Adding an extra polish to make it yours.

2. Mistakes to Avoid When Manually Humanizing Content

Overcomplicating: Keep the language simple and steer away from too many big words.

Losing Consistency: Keep the tone of your voice even throughout the text.

Ignoring the Audience: You need to think about who is going to read your blog, that way you can write for them.


How To Humanize Ai Content For Free?

You can humanize your ai content for free by manually humanizing it. In which you can edit the content, read through the text, simplify the difficult words, and add a personal touch by using your natural tone.

How To Humanize Ai Content In Chatgpt?

By using special prompts in chatGPT to create more human-like content. 

  • Ask chatGPT to “write in a friendly tone.”

  • Try to make this text sound more conversational.

What Is The Best Ai Humanizer Tool?

There are many tools available but our AI Humanizer tool is one of the best tool. Our tool offers their users easy to use features and top class results.

Is It Good to Rely 100% on AI Humanization Tools?

No! It's not good to rely on them completely. Always review and edit the content to make sure it meets your standards.

Can AI Humanized Content Be Used For All Types Of Writing?

Yes! You can use AI Humanized content for almost all types of writing, such as blogs, articles, and social media posts. 


Adding a human touch to AI content makes it appealing and meaningful. 

Either you use one of the AI humanizers tools, or go through your text manually to alter it, these tools are aimed at making your content sound more human. 

You must ensure that the content is free from errors for it to be perfect and gain a better position than your last one, always review before you submit. 

Use these tips to ensure you are creating the content that resonates with your readers and keeps them engaged!